The Riftbreaker Wiki

Wall gate is a building in The Riftbreaker. Together with walls it can be used to surround your base.


Level 1
Build cost Statistics Storage Production Upkeep Build time Size (X * Y)
Carbonium: 25 Health: 500 - / - - / - - / - Seconds: 5 2 x 2
Level 2
Upgrade cost Statistics Storage Production Upkeep Upgrade time Size (X * Y)
Carbonium: 50 Health: 1000 - / - - / - - / - Seconds: 5 2 x 2
Level 3
Upgrade cost Statistics Storage Production Upkeep Upgrade time Size (X * Y)
Carbonium: 100 Health: 2000 - / - - / - - / - Seconds: 5 2 x 2


  • Protects against enemies
  • Opens for the player